Thursday, September 3, 2009

Discover how the comfort of travel to some decent sleep during the journey, even in tight places

Discover how the comfort of travel to some decent sleep during the jouey, even in tight places As the captain of an airline, I am very interested in my passengers' comfort. I am also very skilled at sleeping on airplanes.What? A pilot of a good night's sleep in flight? At inteational level, the long-haul flights, bring us a pilot. In this way we are able to rotate and rest. We have a crew rest seat in the passenger cabin. They are very adept at resting in passenger seats.While on our breaks, we take very seriously our rest. Our responsibility is our greatest risks for the implementation of controls. Our 2-3 hour break is crucial, because it is everything else we are over-night flights. It is up to us so fresh and alive as possible for the approach and landing. Anything else would be negligent on our part.That said that there are some travel accessories that will help you in this important sleep enroute. Many crew members are familiar with these things on our very important relaxation breaks. I do not know how to leave home without them.If you comfortable during the trip, you are much more likely to sleep. Even if you can not sleep, which is unlikely if you use these techniques and recommended travel accessories, is certainly more rested.You the strategies and tools for travel and sleep comfortably in conditions demanding elsewhere.If your routine is usually , before going to bed at night, try to do on this level. For example, if you brush your teeth, wash her face, and then for a few minutes before the retirement home, then do it at. Studies have shown that this is also useful for those who are asleep, if you have your destination.Travel accessories that will help you relax during TravelingTravel pillows. I have two. One to support my lower back and one for my head. Without this, I can not sleep, usually on a level. They are ideal for travel by car. I am a big fan of those who pack around the neck to stabilize the head. I'm really help as comfortable as possible. Without heads can flop around, which up.Without One of them, I tried to fit the window. I never seem to easily, and if they can sleep, usually I wake up with a stiff neck or back.Having travel pillow is more than the use of sanitary airline pillows. These will be anywhere and not have to be changed before all the comforts flight.For last trip, you can create a full body travel pillow. This is an inflatable, full-length seat conferences. I look at each long-haul flight. There is more information about these on my site.Sleep masks. An important low cost and effective travel accessory for avoiding jet lag symptoms is a sleep mask or shade.These eyes are great to sleep on a plane. Many people find it difficult to sleep because the light changes enroute frequently.Passengers tu the light illuminates the scene of the film that illuminates the cabin, people open their windows, colors, or kitchen curtain opens the area with flood light. Does a good sleep mask and will not be immune from all that.Noise Canceling Headphones. Sleeping in an airplane, you must arrange for its tranquility. Since you can not control the level of noise around you, you sleep with you.How can you do? Two-way Noise Canceling headphones headphones.Ear or connectors are used for some large. I have always wo in noisy environments, such as the apron, when I use the jet before flight. Even if they are small, light and inexpensive, the drawback is that it is difficult to sleep. What's in my ear disturbs my sleep. Every time I move my head and the ear plug is increased, it is important annoying.For successful sleep during my break, I always with noise cancellation headphones.I really love these headphones and think that is one of the best inventions years. Many airlines these headphones for their first class passengers. But they did so again at the end of flight.If you bought a pair, you receive one of the best first class performance at less cost of flying first class is updated. Then you are ready to hold and use, if you want a strong, slip on some 'peace and quiet.Waing! After having tried this, there is no tuing back. Are dependent on each other and want regularly.Travel footrest. The First and Business Class seats have these, but also by bus, you can use a footrest footrest.Using helps in two ways: o If you are high, but is rooted bottom back.o if not so large (or child) and if your feet do not touch the ground, which helps prevent cramps behind thighs.There is an excellent folding foot rest available, it works very well.Other tips and strategies for sleeping during TravelingWear Comfortable Clothing. Comfortable clothing, socks and a warm sweater, you can sleep better.Loosen or remove their shoes. I often solve my laces to get more traffic to my feet.Avoid / Management Caffeine. In addition to being a stimulant, caffeine also you.Avoid alcohol wipes. The consumption of alcohol before or during the flight, it will be difficult to sleep well. In addition, dehydrate you.It is best to avoid alcohol for 12 hours before your flight up to your destination.These techniques, you should sleep while traveling.If visit my website you will find numerous reviews and recommendations accessories travel, which in this article.Try some of these tips and travel accessories for your next trip.Copyright 2005 by Ph.Developments United States of America, Inc. All rights reserved.Pilot Paul M. is a captain at a major airline of the United States. He also, if an airline captain helps you with your travel needs.If want more tips, see travel accessory reviews and recommendations, lea insider secrets, find travel discounts, or receive our free newsletter, click on the link below: Click here to Pilot Paul Travel AccessoriesThanks and have a great trip! Pilot Paul M.

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