Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The ride of your life, the Grand Canyon Mule Experience Part 1 Day tour

The ride of your life, the Grand Canyon Mule Experience Part 1 Day tour As sunrise begins to reveal the magnificence of the Grand Canyon every moing, every day of the year, a group of forty to fifty Canyon visitors gathers around the mule ride check-in lobby of the historic bright Angel Lodge. The old lobby is the image of comfort and security with its rustic beam construction and a roaring fire in the large stone fireplace. But the smiles and jokes in this group of cheerful mask the anxieties that are below. Are about to embark on an adventure that only a few lucky people in the world will never experience. It has never been to the Grand Canyon, made their reservations over a year ago and had the patience out by then. However, after arriving early this moing and the yard behind the inn overlooking the canyon, the only reality in. Big time! On the other hand of the judge, the wall of rock canyon begins - and goes down. The size of the Grand Canyon could not have been caught with the images he admired in his home. Even now, as they are next to him, trying to capture the reality of it. Everyone is shocked and some even suffer some degree of shock. It would be easy to conclude that only an experienced parachutist who could do it down. Are at present, and has done his rain slicker (Canyon weather is fickle), and his boot bag (a remembrance of the trip), and made his way quarter miles along the Canyon Rim round corral next to the rock trail head. While the forecast remains as high as ever, for the most part, the level of anxiety decreased slightly when you get their first look at Ron Clayton and his Wranglers. Despite resembling an image of the West, they are true. A look at Casey, Dave, Jack, Sean, or any of the other seven or eight (including many equally competent lady Wranglers) will calm your nerves on the right. These are some of the best cowboys in the world. They love what they do, they do well and create a climate of confidence at first sight. Ron gathers around the corridors of instructions, gathering a crowd of other tourists, curious. Unexpectedly, the two runners and spectators were treated to first class monologue with twenty minutes of instruction and education woven into a fun presentation that only calms the nerves. He stresses safety and guarantees that it is sufficient to follow their Wrangler, everything will be alright. It also ensures that if you do not obey their Wrangler, which quickly become walkers. Every single soul standing in the crowd that he Cree. Pilots are now ready to go. A path that the head is no more Ron Clayton. With only one eye from a lifetime of experience, most pilots looking to walk toward him at the center of the cattle, one at a time. As they approach him, asking the name of a mule tied dei Sessanta livestock along the perimeter, a mule, which inevitably becomes a perfect for that rider. Ron is that good. After each group of eight to ten pilots has been assembled and last minute reminders Wrangler, Wrangler follow through the corral gate. Fifteen meters away, and Angel are in the bright edge on the track and go. YeeHaw! Hearts are flying! It is said, and it is true that the first quarter miles of the descent is the most frightening. The anxiety is now at its peak, as many of the runners have never been in a chair in his life. The trail is narrow and the vertical drop-off along the edge of the runway is alarming, to say the least. The first time, the road is almost a U-tu and forgetting that the head of a mule is a certain distance before the front legs, you can hear his mule's going on straight. Never fear. Despite his apparent indifference, the mules and do nothing, and the last thing I want to do is go to the limit. His time, success, a beep exhalation can sometimes be heard, and a little 'more to reduce anxiety. A short fifteen minutes along the trail that leads to a broad field that, for now, seems safe as the plains of Kansas. The Wrangler and stop all the other mules automatically line at his side, facing the canyon. It will remind everyone to put on the "brake" and then disassembled and will launch a pilot project to test the cycling team, tightening the straps, brackets, etc. At the same time, he will still focus on the most important rule for safety - keeping the your animal close to that in front of you! The mules make this jouey every day and are so comfortable on the track that sometimes loses focus and the back. If you can not remember the pilot for the use of a "motivation" to be close to a certain point, the mule will realize on their own sin, and will last until the catch. Although it is somewhat 'of humor to see a rookie eyes wide corridor bouncing up and down in the back of a mule and cantering narrow rocky path, hanging on for dear life, here's how accidents. Therefore, pilots are reminded once again that repeat offenses of this kind undoubtedly become a walker. And 'here that every cyclist who believes that death is around the coer, you can disassemble, leaving his mule where it is, keep your bag up, within walking distance and the back of the Canyon to enjoy a longer life. Pure terror can only be the basis for this decision, however, that rarely happens. The trail follows much less threatening and most of them are visibly more relaxed. The adventure of dreams that were clear in advance and the temptation to continue is almost undeniable. The cowboy is mounted and the jouey of his life resumes. It 'impossible to describe the feelings that exist for the next two hours, the trail descends to about three thousand meters above sea level, and any attempt to do it is this writer. This aspect of the "once in a lifetime experience" is different for each pilot. Some also recall the impressive view of the runway about twenty of the canyon walls, and sometimes the performance of the cliffs of the great valley. Also remember "interesting" parts of the song itself. Perhaps Jacob's Ladder, seemingly endless series of swithcbacks to what seems a thousand foot vertical wall of rock. Enter the oasis of India with its gardens are a hundred years, the shade of cottonwood trees on the picturesque atmospsere will also be a memorable event for some, not only for its serene beauty, but also because they are more than willing to receive frame for a rest. A friendship that has developed between the pilots, even if they are from different parts of the world and to each other met only in the mule corral. Is not without 'humor in accidents along the route. All laugh now more than ever thought possible. Some rapidly develop a bond with the animal are riding - talking to her and call her by name. In fact, the most lasting memory of some animals that will be mounted. And always remember your name. Arriving in India Garden, which will welcome the chance to dismount and stretch. Some feel now the first signs of pain in a place not used to this feeling. Others simply be happy for the opportunity to walk and straighten your legs. If it is summer, the cowboy of all the online brokers and down the tube - without exception - with cold water piped through the Canyon of Roaring Springs Canyon in the north wall, and that should be fun for everyone. Noon in the Canyon of temperature can be extremely high and symptoms of overheating are sometimes difficult to recognize. The cowboy is once again check all the walls, and are beyond the point plateau. For now, some of them real cowboy fantasy. The road to the Plateau Point is flat and smooth, which does not track the spectacular views that are approaching. We too are like the dismantling of the pipe anchor rail still largely ignorant. Only when climbing on huge flat rock and the production of rail tubes on board the measure, will have their first view of the Colorado River, wandering peacefully along the Canyon floor. It 'still well below that looks like a piece of blue rope on the floor. A brief is normally reverential silence, and then the comments started. This is what some people always remember first. Insurance is impressive. One last point, some reflections and comments on the beauty and power of Mother Nature, and assemble and retu to India Garden for lunch. Everyone is always ready for lunch. All were checked bag lunch when present at this moing. A light lunch, but tasty. There will be no complaints, and relax over a short wall of rock, Münchingen far, to discuss the natural wonder they have become part of a day memorable in your life. Let all those who feel a certain level of physical discomfort, when the cowboy and says "OK riders, tuing off the tube and mount it again", most of them prefer to think that was sitting right , where only a little 'more. The retu trip up the canyon wall is more quiet and probably without incident. It 'been a long day and be tired by now. With his back to the valley, and that trudge out of this mystical world and back to civilization to which they are accustomed. When he said the cowboy with the rest of the animals, who sit quietly and watch the canyon. Their comments are predictable - 'It is only fair "or" I am so happy we made this trip "or" We were all there? . Regardless of the comments, the appreciation for his voice is clear. Since the last time to dismount, back on top of the yard where it all began, his mood sad and grateful. I am happy to leave the presidency for the last time, but tempered by the knowledge that the adventure is over. They express their gratitude for their Wrangler with little respect and to remember his name forever. They retu home with memories that will never be displaced, and in some cases even declined. They understand very well that they were privileged to experience the trip of a lifetime. As sunrise begins to reveal the magnificence of the Grand Canyon the next moing .......................

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