Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Top 10 Tips for Road Trips with children

The Top 10 Tips for Road Trips with children The Top 10 Tips for Road Trips with children like many other families, our family is a series of road - joueys a year. We have three beautiful daughters, and people often say to me? As you can see on the road traveling with small children? In fact, I love road trips. I now prefer to travel by plane. Here are my top 10 tips for fun and travel stress-free holiday. 1.Leave in the early hours of the moing, before breakfast. This can take a couple of hours under his belt, while children (hopefully) sleep in the car. Then stop for lunch. 2.Where your budget allows you to purchase your child (ren) a new toy for the trip. Don? T make them play with it until they are in cars and on the road. 3.Bring on a portable DVD player, if the car can not be? T already. For long trips, pack at least 3 or more DVDs? S. And 'even better if you buy a new pair, so that your child (ren)? s attention better. 4.Pack a bag with lots of kids your favorite snacks, drinks and sandwiches. Keep the cooler in the virtual machine, so that you can only get them something. Pack their lives - to save costs. 5.Stop on a nice picnic area to eat your meals. This is less stressed then draws the children into a crowded McDonald? s. When you drive from Texas to Maryland every year, we stop at a beautiful rest stop in Tennessee. It's nice bath and is located on several acres with the children the opportunity to bypass the exhaust and some of their energy. 6.Stop every 3-4 hours. If you are traveling with small children like us, you really want to use this trick. Kids Don? T have a concept of time. With time of 3 hours by car, which seems forever to them. Even a gas station and leaving it all out of the car and stretch their legs for a few minutes really works. 7.Play car games. One of our favorites? Peaks and policemen? S?. One point for each police car and discovered two points are for the Corvette? But if you see a car, and? S It is not correct, the points. It also helps to recognize that the police car hidden spot before thee! 8.Bring many pillows and blankets. Children are likely to sleep in the car, if they are comfortable. 9.If stay somewhere in advance of travel over the next few days, pack everything you need for the night in a bag. In this way, if the hotel is not it? T need to download the entire car. Buy the biggest Ziploc bags and find my children? s clothes and write your name on it. Then I just what you need. 10.Check hotels to see if they offer free breakfast. Our favorite hotel stay is the Holiday Inn. Children can stay and eat free. If we are in a hotel in the evening, you can eat free for dinner and then breakfast the next moing. Again, it saves money, especially if you pack lunch. I hope these tips will help your next trip. Kat Saveal Co-owner, Cue Zone

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